My Top 3 Tips for a Smooth Elopement Timeline

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Want to know the secret to make your special day even more epic? A smooth elopement timeline!

A smooth elopement timeline makes sure you get all the events and activities you spent time planning for to happen. It also helps in reducing any stress or anxieties that can happen unexpectedly. Moreover, a smooth timeline helps manage the flow of events and activities, allowing for a seamless transition between different parts of your elopement/wedding day. 

As a wedding photographer with lots of experience, I want to share with you my top three tips for a smooth elopement/wedding timeline: building in extra time, incorporating fun activities, and being flexible with a backup plan.

Let’s get into the juicy details!

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Tip ONE: Build in Extra Time

Did you ever grow up hearing about people who set their clocks 15 minutes ahead? 

Yup! That’s the exact mentality we are channeling here when I am talking about building in buffer time during your elopement day. Now I am not saying set everyone’s watches 15 minutes ahead, but just carve out 10-15 minutes of extra space between each event for any unexpected delays that may derail plans. For example, I always recommend adding extra time for hair/makeup for any touch-ups, for transportation to account for traffic, and for photo sessions. 

Communicating your timeline with your guests and vendors is important so everyone is on the same page as well as ensuring it runs smoothly. Make sure to let your vendors know as soon as possible when you have your timeline set up so they know in advance. Same with your guests, let them know it means a lot to you both that your day runs according to plan and for them to respect that. By having buffer time in your schedule, you can be confident that your elopement/wedding day will be a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

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Tip TWO: Incorporate Fun Activities

Adding fun activities to break up the day and keep energy levels high is so helpful for you and your guests. The activities alleviate stress and create memorable moments for everyone–they make for great pictures too! An example you could have for lawn games is a giant Jenga or cornhole set up during cocktail hour. Another option is that you can set up a scavenger hunt with clues that lead your guests to various locations around the venue or to other guests. With a little creativity, there are endless possibilities for fun activities!

It’s no secret that your elopement/wedding day is one of the most important days of your life, and as such, your activities should be a reflection of your personalities and interests as a couple. Customizing your wedding activities to fit your unique style and preferences starts by sitting down with your partner and making a list of your favorite hobbies, interests, and activities. Then start brainstorming ways to incorporate them into your wedding day. 

It’s your day, the possibilities are endless so get creative and think outside the box!

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Tip THREE: Be Flexible and Have a Backup Plan

The best advice on having a smooth timeline for your elopement/wedding day is: Be Flexible!

Being able to adapt in the face of unexpected weather or unforeseen obstacles is important to keeping the day calm and still about your commitment to each other. While it may be tempting to stick to the schedule plan, not having a backup plan or being inflexible can ultimately eat up more time in the day. 

Some examples of a backup plan look like moving the ceremony indoors if it begins to rain or having indoor photo location options in case there is rain. 

In communicating your backup plan to wedding vendors and guests, it is important to be clear in outlining the steps that will be taken in the event that the OG plan doesn’t happen. It may be helpful to provide visual aids, like diagrams or maps. Another option is to send a group text to ensure everyone is aware of the backup plan. Ultimately, open communication and thorough planning can help minimize stress and ensure a smooth timeline for a memorable elopement/wedding day.

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Why a PNW Elopement Photographer Recommends These 3 Tips for a Smooth Elopement Timeline

So, when it comes to creating a smooth timeline for your elopement/wedding day...
Remember these three tips! 

Building in extra time like for hair/makeup or transportation allows for an easy, stress-free transition between events in case you may need that time. Incorporate fun activities into your day that reflect both of your interests to have those fun memories with your guests and get epic pics! Lastly, being flexible and having a backup plan is truly going to be your saving grace in case of any unexpected weather. 

What I want you to never forget in creating your elopement/wedding day timeline is the JOY in your day. Don’t lose sight of the fact that you are celebrating your love and commitment to your partner with your special guests over a strict, silly timeline.



Looking for some elopement inspiration?
Check out some of my previous blogs:

Romantic Historic Cree Estate Winter Wedding in Palm Springs
Hug Point Elopement | OREGON COAST


Eloping at Artist Point: A Scenic Escape for Intimate Weddings


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